Visuals by Ivana Armanini / Script by Marko Golub / Printed by MOCA Zagreb & Komikaze / Print run: 800 / Language: Eng & Cro
Comic exhibition & the 1st comic in the “collection” (in motion) of the MoCA – Zagreb 2017- 2019; 19TH BIENNIAL OF ART – Pančevo 2020
galeriefrankelbaz:“To mark the 30th anniversary of the death of Dmitry Bašićevic Mangelos, the Museum of Contemporary Art of Zagreb is promoting the Mangelos Vol 1 comic book, created by Ivana Armanini and Marko Golub.
Parts of the Mangelos Vol 1 album will be exhibited in the museum through January 28th. Published by komikaze and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb”
The comic book in this sense does not function as a conventional biographical form; it does not recount the life and artwork of Dimitrije Bašičević Mangelos; it does not explain or imitate him; but rather, it enters into a dialogue with him, accepting all his contradictions and recreating an authentic imaginary universe from his fragments.
MANGELOS web comix
Comic: https://komikaze.hr/author/mangelosstrip/