blue concertina (36pg)


DATE: 06/09/2018

artist’s book “blue concertina” made for the festival of illustration at The Meštrović Pavilion.

36 pages / 3,60 meters long @ 36 mountains fest / Festival invited me to be one of the 6 established authors exhibiting in Zagreb 6-9 Sept. It is an international festival dedicated to illustration. During the festival were present the works of 22 new artists chosen by the jury and 6 already established artists. The form of 36 mountains is welknown concertina notebooks that are given to each author. The selected authors are free to express themselves in their 1,80 m long concertina notebooks – on both sides – specifically designed for this project.

36 Mountains Festival/ Annual international festival of illustration and drawing

36 Mountains is an annual international festival of illustration and drawing which this year offers four days of lectures, workshops and the celebration of these art forms. The festival opens on the Thursday evening when the work of all 22 selected artists of this year’s festival competition will be available to view, alongside the work of the six established artists also invited to showcase their work this year. The remaining days of the festival will contain daily lectures and workshops.