KATALOG – solo album published in Komikaze / Femicomix edition. Visual language contents strong black and white contrasts, naked structures and macabre atmosphere. /
KATALOG/ COMICS BASED ON THE STORIES BY RODNEY DANGERFIELD: https://ivanaarmanini.net/stories-by-rodney-dangerfield/
“the bold black & white pages of ivana armanini don’t resemble anything that goes under the the name ‘comics’. they are a slap in the face of the decent profession of the ‘graphic novel’. too strange, too strong, too beautiful. the lady must be mad.”
bernard holtrop – willem (charlie hebdo, liberation – fr)

“i like very much new stuff, it has kind of fuck-you-all emotion which probably feel all of us last few days and years in croatia.”
milena zajović (večernji list – cro)
“ivana armanini’s comic panels are like skyscrapers and apartment buildings in the night – everything happens simultaneously and in an condensed form, each frame is a window and a single story, and all the windows together make another, bigger story, and everything is full of strange creatures. sometimes there are lights in them that sparkle and turn on and off, and the music goes: dum – dum – dum – dum – dum … ”
marko golub (hdd – hr)
“the grotesque comix of ivana armanini: the artist has her roots deeply in the venerable tradition of european underground art. like frans masereel, she cuts the digital wood of our times to give a grotesque, ironic and poetic vision of the dreams and nightmares of the present. like joakim pirinen, she crosses the boundaries of styles to find a connection between how and what she draws. i love her style, her smile (and the bravery in it) that she brings around the world. she continuously confronts constructivism and destruction. i think that without the synthetic, kinetic brutalism of her fine art the world of comics would be the poorest of the worlds, and that without her words, which make you drown in your own brain, we might just sink in our present without any idea about how to face our labyrinthine future. more ivana armanini comix for more revolutionary brains to come!”
valerio bindi (crack festival, fortepressa – it)
“katalog is an unabashed comics collection without scruples or reservations. but it’s more than what it’s not as well: it’s a voice crying in the desert of sterile political correctness. if ivana’s not stopped, she might wake someone up. silence her already!”
bojan albahari (stripburger – slo)
“at last the many faces of ivana armanini have been collected together in one album; from early exercises in abrasive, expressionist storytelling such as 2005’s cult comic strip adventures of gloria scott to recent, more psychedelic forays into the world of the visually unexpected. edgy, combative and frequently disorientating, armanini’s strips are always pushing the boundaries of what comics can (indeed should) look like, although the author’s clear humanistic message is never far below the surface.”
jonathan bousfield (time out – uk/cro)
“ivana armanini’s comics in katalog are bold, angry folktales. the strips utilize heavy black and white design elements to deceptively simple emotional effect whose optical afterimages linger long into dreams. the color sections amplify the impact of the high contrast. the combination of computer and hand-drawn images take on politics, pop-culture, and capitalism in whip smart small details and amid full-page subversive posters. spend extra time on the art and the text for the full effect of armanini’s narration; you will find yourself thinking of her images many times after you finish the book.”
joanne ruvoli (ball state university – usa)