supernurse @ coloring book


DATE: 31/05/2020

The group project “Coloring Book: Color Your Quarantine Days” with my drawing Supernurse (followed by few words about life in quarantine and the inspiration for the work) is in the finale for the Global Media Awards in the corona era – in the company with CNN and The Telegraph! / Published&reprinted by: JUTARNJI LIST

The Honourable Mention for the INMA Global Media Awards that reflects the COVID-19 category


JUTARNJI LIST/ 31.3.2020. “Nalazim se u seoskoj karanteni dva tjedna. Dosta radim, crtam i uređujem novi broj na webu. Dedlajn za stripove je 1.4. pa jos stignete poslati nešto! Komikaze su startale spremne na sve, u stilu doomsday preppersa, kroz web mreže pa u tom tonu i nastavljaju. Možda je sad baš prilika za ljude koji se još nisu oprobali u stripu da to učine. Crtanje stripova je sjajna terapija za život u samo-izolaciji!
Ako karantena potraje, a i ako ne, svratite na Komikaze stranicu s više od 5000 strip tabli i 300 autora. Neki/e autori/ce su već davno predvidjeli/e sve što nam se sprema!
Komikaze su nedavno dobile nagradu alternativnog stripa. Najveće je to moguće priznanje u svijetu stripa. Više na

O radu: “Motiv mi se sam nametnuo. Već dva mjeseca pratim ranjena lica pregorjelih medicinskih radnica koje s glavom u torbi i velikim srcem haraju na prvoj liniji bojišnice. Zamislila sam crtež kao svojevrsni hommage medicinskim sestrama. Put je popločan šarenim mozaikom koji zapljuskuje more. Velika Sestra ubija peto-koronaške zlikovce napikavajuci ih na sablje i šprickajući krv naokolo. Paralelno se odvija život. Pas veselo piški, maše repicem, drsko nas promatrajući iz »kadra«. Grmovi se zelene. More je izbacilo i nekog nedefiniranog stvora koji izvaljen leži, također gledajući u nas. Njegov opstanak je, kao i život cijelog crteža sada u rukama kolorista/ica.”

PUBLISHED 31 / 03/ 2020: 11 ARTISTS OF THE COLORING BOOK, in alphabetical order:  Ivana Armanini / Jelena Bando / Tomislav Buntak / Zdenko Basic / Nikolina Nina Ivezić / Paulina Jazvić / Svjetlan Junaković / Bane Milenković / Miron Milić / Stipan Tadić / Vice Tomasović.
REPRINTED 31 / 05 / 2020: 20 AUTHORS / LINK


About INMA: The International News Media Association (INMA) is a global community of market-leading news media companies reinventing how they engage audiences and grow revenue in a multi-platform environment. The INMA community consists of more than 12,000 members at 800+ news media companies in 70 countries. Celebrating its 90th anniversary, INMA is the news media industry’s foremost ideas-sharing network with members connected via conferences, reports, webinars, virtual meetings and an unparalleled archive of best practices.

Overview Jutarnji list campaign


“In the days full of negativity caused by the beggning of the lockdown and the earthquake in Zagreb Jutarnji list wanted to encourage its readers by offering them opportunity to learn something new, reactivate old hobbies, discover new talents…

Colouring book represented a perfect way to distract their thoughts. It is scientifically proven that coloring books can have relaxing effect on people, they can also neutralize negative thoughts and they stimulate creativity. We wanted our readers to learn about our famous painters, to relax and to be creative which is why we also organized a giveaway.

Our readers were sending us their little work of arts inspired by the life in quarantine. Painters who have designed the coloring book have chosen the best works and our winners have won additional colouring books and they were thrilled by that.

The colouring book also showed suport to the regional artist scene, since the culture was among the industries suffering the greatest impact of the coronavirus crisis.”

Results for this campaign

“More than 20 000 print editions of Jutanji list were sold which is 20%  more than other weekly editions. We had dozens of giveaway applicants, 3 winners, 4258 article readers, 1.554.248 impressions, 4746 unique visitors on campaign, 23 360 Instagram and Facebook story views. The campaing was advertised by 5 ads in 3 different newspapers … We managed to truly connect with our readers during the quarantine.”